It’s Your Turn to Be The Early Stage Investor

ChainRaise is a digital asset platform, that raises money for real estate opportunities and businesses.
Services Provided
  • Discovery & Strategy
  • Branding
  • Communication
  • User Interface
Services Provided
  • Discovery & Strategy
  • Branding
  • Communication
  • User Interface

ChainRaise Technologies, a subsidiary of ChainRaise LLC (the parent company) is able to create Security Tokens Using blockchain technology. We are able to issue Security Tokens or “Digital Shares” to investors upon completion of the capital raise.

This provides a plethora of benefits including the most important, potential liquidity. After the required lock up period from the raise, investors can now trade their Security Tokens on an exchange. No longer trapping you in a private capital investment without an exit.


Issuers pay ChainRaise a fee to use the ChainRaise communication Portal for Reg CF offerings. This fee may be paid as a flat fee, commission based on the amount of money issuers raise, or in other ways. Issuers may pay additional fees for specified services ChainRaise provides, including reimbursement of any expenses ChainRaise incurs on their behalf.

ChainRaise discloses its compensation for each offering in which an issuer invests. If an issuer pays ChainRaise in whole or in part with its own issuing securities, these securities will always be the same class offered to investors on the ChainRaise Portal.

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